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devil fruit=-
Portgas D. Ace
Portgas D
Thông Tin
Tên tiếng nhật: ポートガス・D・エース
Tên phiên âm: Pōtogasu D. Ēsu
Tên tiếng việt: Portgas D. Ace (chưa cắt âm)
Lần đầu xuất hiện: Chapter 154; Episode 91
Phe phái: Râu trắng; Hải tặc Spade (trước đây); Gia đình Dadan (trước đây)
Nghề: Đội trưởng Đội 2; Hải tặc; Thuyền trưởng (trước đây)
Được biết là: "Fire Fist Ace" (火拳のエース Hiken no Ēsu?)
Người lồng tiếng Nhật: Toshio Furukawa; Daisuke Sakaguchi (lúc nhỏ)
Lồng tiếng Việt: {{{lồng tiếng việt}}}
Tuổi: 20

birth=Ngày 1 tháng 1[1]

Sinh nhật: {{{birth}}}
Cao: 185cm (6'1" hay 1m85)[1]
Trái ác quỷ
Tên tiếng nhật: Mera Mera no Mi
Tên tiếng việt: Trái lửa lửa (thật ra là trái bốc lửa bốc lửa)
Nghĩa: Mera Mera giống âm thanh do lửa phát ra.
Hệ: Logia
Thường được gọi là "Portgaz D. Ace""Portgaz D. Trace".

Portgas D. Ace (ポートガス・D・エース Pōtogasu D. Ēsu?) (tên khai sinh Gol D. Ace (ゴール・D・エース Gōru D. Ēsu?)), được đặt biệt danh là "Hỏa Quyền Ace" (火拳エース Hiken no Ēsu?) là anh trai nuôi của Monkey D. LuffySabo, và là con trai của Vua Hải Tặc, Gol D. Roger cùng người tình, Portgas D. Rouge (đều đã chết). Anh được Monkey D. Garp nhận nuôi theo nguyện vọng của Roger trước khi anh sinh ra. Ace là đội trưởng đội 2 của Whitebeard Pirates (Băng Hải Tặc Râu Trắng) và từng 1 lần là thuyền trưởng của Spade Pirates. Âm mưu Impel DownMarineford (Hải Quân) xung quanh việc giải cứu Ace bởi World Government; trong sự kiện này, Ace đã thành vua hải tặc

Ngoại hình

Mặc dù không cùng huyết thống, Ace trông rất giống với em trai nuôi của mình, Luffy. Dù vậy, Ace vẫn trông nghiêm túc hơn là khuôn mặt vui vẻ của Luffy, và cũng hơi cao và lực lưỡng hơn. Anh cũng có một chút tàn nhang trên mặt, và làm khuôn mặt với vẻ hoài nghi bằng cách nhếch mày trái lên. Thú vị hơn, biểu cảm khuôn mặt của anh cũng gần giống với khuôn mặt hồi trẻ của cha anh, Gol D. Roger mà không có râu. Hình xăm của Ace cũng là 1 trong số đáng chú ý nhất. Anh có một hình xăm là biểu tượng của Whitebeard (Râu Trắng) trên lưng — xương tím tạo hình chéo (X) sau đầu lâu và một bộ ria màu trắng — là diễn tả niềm tự hào cùng niềm vui của anh.[2] Ace cũng có một hình xăm nữa trên bắp tay trái đánh vần từ "ASCE" theo chiều dọc với chữ "S" bị gạch chéo. Chữ S ấy rất giống với chữ S trong lá thư mà Sabo đã viết cho Ace và Luffy, và cũng giống với chữ S trên (không dịch được). Sự thật là chữ S không hề xuất hiện trong Chapter 596 cover khi mà Sabo, Ace và Luffy được xem như lớn lên cùng nhau và cho rằng nó là để tưởng nhớ anh trai quá cố của mình. (GG Dịch)

Ace mặc một chiếc áo hở thân trên cho đến khi có hình xăm của Whitebeard - sau đó, anh không mặc bất cứ thứ gì che thân trên cả . Anh đi bốt đen, quần ngố đen ngắn đến đầu gồi cùng với thắt lưng màu cam, và một cái túi màu xanh thắt quanh chân trái. Anh cũng đeo một chiếc thắt lưng ngắn thứ 2 với chữ "A" to, màu đỏ trên khóa bạc xung quanh hông anh, nhưng nó lại tháo và luồn đầu tự do dọc theo lưng quần short của anh. Và có một con dao để trong túi xanh lá treo bên hông trái của anh. Trên tay trái của Ace, anh đeo Log Pose (Kim nam châm tự ghi) và một vòng tay màu đỏ và trắng quanh cổ tay, một cái bảo vệ khuỷu tay màu cam, và hình xăm "ASCE". Anh đeo một chuỗi vòng cườm đỏ và một cái mũ cam cùng 2 mặt người smileys, một cau mày còn một lại cười, và một chuỗi các hạt màu đỏ trên vành mũ. Hai bên quai dài màu cam xõa xuống bên chiếc mũ anh và được gắn lại tại một huy chương lớn hình hộp sọ của một con bò với tua màu da cam.

Không may, Ace đã mất chiếc mũ của mình, cái mà đã đồng hành cùng anh từ khi anh bắt đầu hành trình như 1 hải tắc, trên Banaro Island là kết quả của việc đấu với Blackbeard (Râu đen). Con dao của anh cũng bị tịch thu, bởi anh không còn nó ở Impel Down. Hình săm trên lưng cũng bị phá hủy sau đó bởi một sức mạnh mà sau đó đã giết anh. Tuy nhiên, trên mộ của anh, nón của Ace được đặt trên đó. [3]

During the ending credits to the second movie, Clockwork Island Adventure, previews of upcoming characters from the Baroque Works Saga were featured. Ace was also included amongst the many characters, but while his clothes were almost identical, he boasted a very different color scheme to the one he was given in his official appearance in the anime.

As a child Ace is shown to have often worn t-shirts with two-kanji phrases on the front (such as "innocence" and "violence"). On some occasions they are linked to the scene in which they were worn, like "independence" when the three brothers built their own treehouse to live in.


Tập tin:Ace preview2.PNG
Ace from the credits of Clockwork Island Adventure.
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Ace while he was on Drum Island.
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Ace with his Whitebeard tattoo as initially drawn in the manga.
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Ace with his Whitebeard tattoo as drawn later in the manga.
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Ace in One Piece: Unlimited Adventure.
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Ace with Luffy, where Ace's tattoo is clearly seen.
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Ace as an infant.
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A 10 year-old Ace.

Tính cách

Ace là một người thông minh, lịch sự và dễ chịu đựng hơn Luffy, điều này làm các thành viên trong băng Mũ Rơm tự hỏi anh có thật là anh trai của Luffy không. Trong khi nhiều người biết đến Gol D. Roger nhắc rằng Luffy khá giống với Vua hải tặc đương thời, Râu Trắng tự nhận rằng tính cách Ace không giống của cha anh. Dường như một trong những thứ giống nhau của 3 anh em là sự liều lĩnh như bao hải tặc khác (và những dạ dày không đáy). Thêm vào đó, Ace thích tiệc tùng như anh em mình. Khi anh đến thuyền của Buggy, anh bị hấp dẫn bởi mùi thức ăn và quyết định tận hưởng khi ở đó.

Có hai điều rất thú vị về Ace. Thứ nhất là anh có tật hay ngủ rũ. Anh thường hay ngẫu nhiên ngủ gật khi ăn hay nói chuyện, làm người lạ tự hỏi anh chết chưa. Lần đầu tiên là ơ Arabasta, khi họ tưởng anh đã chết giữa bữa ăn. Cái thứ hai là về việc "ăn quỵt" mọi lúc mọi nơi. Điều này được thể hiện ở những ngày còn trẻ với SaboLuffy, khi chúng thường quậy phá trong thành phố Goa.

Phép lịch sự của anh thực chất là do Makino dạy sau khi Ace hỏi cách giới thiệu bản thân trước Shanks (là cứu tinh của em mình). Trước đó, Ace khá lạnh lùng và thô lỗ trước người lạ.

Là con trai của Roger, anh sống dưới bóng của ông và is to date the first D. depicted to truly question his own right to exist, while displaying the fewest commonly seen D. related traits. Ace có những rắc rối trong đời liên quan tới cha mẹ, ngay cả sau khi từ chối Gol D. Roger và chấp nhận Râu Trắng là người cha duy nhất. Điều này hoàn toàn trái ngược với Luffy, anh chấp nhận cha mình sau khi biết danh tính của ông và gần như không quan tâm ông nguy hiểm thế nào. Ace tin rằng thật bình thường nếu anh ta chết vì không ai trên đời muốn đứa con của (Roger) sống cả. Ace tự nói trước cái chết của mình rằng anh không cần đến danh vọng hay quyền lực gì - tất cả những gì anh muốn là tìm được một câu trả lời cho câu hỏi ý nghĩa sự tồn tại của mình, đấy là điều duy nhất Ace muốn khi chết mà không hối tiếc gì. Hối tiếc duy nhất của Ace là không được chứng kiến em trai mình đạt được ước mơ, anh đã tin rằng Luffy nhất định sẽ đạt được vì cậu là em trai của anh.

Ace có xu hướng không bao giờ lùi bước khi đang trong trận chiến, và anh sẽ không chạy trốn một khi đã đối mặt với kẻ thù. Bởi vậy, nhiều người nói cậu thèm chết, nhưng thực chất cậu muốn bảo vệ những người cậu yêu thương khỏi đau đớn. Dadan nói rằng cậu thừa hưởng cái tính đó từ cha cậu, mặc dù cậu hận ông. Dù cậu đã chiến thắng các đối thủ mạnh mà cậu không hề trốn chạy, như PorchemyBluejam, nhưng tính bướng bỉnh của cậu đã khiến cậu bị thương rất nhiều, điển hình là khi không chịu khuất phục trong những trận đấu với Blackbeard hoặc Akainu.

Ace cũng có tính "cứ chọc xíu thôi là xù hết lông" và trở nên cực kì bạo lực khi có ai đó sỉ nhục hay hãm hại người thân của anh. Trong một lần nói chuyện giữa Garp và Curly Dadan, this was revealed to be a trait of Roger as well. During his childhood, Ace had a tendency to severely injure anyone who insulted Roger, though he himself disliked his biological father. After hearing about Sabo's presumed death at the hands of a World Noble, Ace quickly became bent on killing the Noble and Dadan had to pin Ace down and tie him to a tree to stop him. Ace's temper got the better of him, especially in cases when Whitebeard, proclaimed by Ace to be his only father, was insulted. Believing that this was the case when Blackbeard broke the iron rule of the Whitebeard Pirates and fled after killing a crewmate, Ace took off in pursuit of the traitor despite his crewmates' and even Whitebeard's efforts to stop him. Ace later came to see that his stubbornness had gotten him into the mess of being scheduled for execution. Even though he managed to escape death on the scaffold thanks to the pirates' and Luffy's efforts at Marineford and was well on his way to freedom, Admiral Akainu provoked him by insulting Whitebeard. Ace quickly turned back to face him, ignoring his crewmates' warnings to not become angered over Akainu's provocations. Unwilling to let him get away of speaking ill of Whitebeard, Ace attacked him out of fury but his arm was burned by Akainu's Devil Fruit powers. Akainu then took the opportunity to attack Luffy on the sideline, leading Ace to jump in, sacrificing his life to shield Luffy from the attack. While saying his last words, Ace sadly admitted to Luffy that he wasted away all of his efforts to rescue him.



Hải Tặc Spade

Ace rất trung thành với nhóm Spade Pirates, nhóm do anh thành lập. Khi anh biết nhóm không thể chống lại Râu Trắng, anh tạo một bức tường lửa cho họ trốn thoát, một mình giữ chân Râu Trắng lại. Nhóm Spade Pirates cũng rất trung thành. Despite their earlier thrashing at the hands of Whitebeard, they challenged the Whitebeard Pirates in the hopes of retrieving their captain, but were soundly beaten and abducted along with him. The Spade Pirates, là một phần của nhóm Hải Tặc Râu Trắng, thương tiếc cho cái chết của anh.

Hải Tặc Râu Trắng

Ace axe

One of Ace's many futile attempts on Whitebeard's life.

Ace initially intended to take Whitebeard's head but was defeated. Whitebeard invited him to be one of his sons, which Ace vehemently refused; despite this, Whitebeard abducted the entire Spade Pirates onto his crew.

Sau khi cố gắng giết Râu Trắng nhiều lần, Ace bị hấp dẫn bởi lời tham gia vào nhóm từ Marco. Anh quyết định từ bỏ sự chống đối và chấp nhận biểu tượng của Râu Trắng trên lưng; tro38 thành niềm vinh hạnh và niềm vui của anh.

Ace held great respect for his captain. As far as Ace was concerned, Whitebeard was the greatest pirate alive, and even went so far as to describe Whitebeard as a type of father figure.

Ace was a loyal crewman and commanded the 2nd division of the Whitebeard Pirates. It is revealed that Thatch was one of the first of Whitebeard's crew to interact with him and they appear to have been good friends. Ace and Marco also seemed to have a close friendship due to Marco explaining the bond between Whitebeard and his crew. Marshall D. Teach, who later became Blackbeard, once served as a member of the 2nd division under Ace and they are shown eating together in flashback with Blackbeard encouraging Ace to become 2nd commander. The Whitebeard Pirates were revealed to be very fond of Ace and unhesitatingly vowed to rescue him from his execution, as seen when they shouted out that they would not forgive anyone who hurt him.

Whitebeard seemed unconcerned about Ace's hunt for Blackbeard, and remained grounded that it was Ace's duty to kill the traitor, regardless of the heavy warnings he received from Shanks. It was revealed however that Whitebeard himself was hesitant about Ace facing Blackbeard and gave him no such orders, but Ace stubbornly set out anyways to hunt down his traitorous former subordinate. Even so, Whitebeard took responsibility for Ace's decision and claimed that it was under his orders that Ace went after Blackbeard.

Whitebeard immediately mobilized his crew and his allies after hearing about Ace's imminent execution. The Whitebeard Pirates have reached Marineford, along with many allied powerful pirate crews, and are at war with the Marines and World Government. In fact, one of the reasons why the Whitebeard Pirates would defend Luffy is because he is Ace's beloved brother.

Gia Đình

Monkey D. Luffy


Ace and Luffy fighting side-by-side one last time.

Ace và anh trai của mình, Luffy, đã thân thiết như anh em và vẫn như vậy kể cả khi đã là cướp biển, thậm chí sau hơn ba năm xa cách. Như một đứa trẻ, Ace ban đầu sống khép kín và có thái độ thù địch với Luffy, khó chịu mỗi khi Luffy khóc nhưng sau đó ngày càng bảo vệ của ông đặc biệt từ Garp, thậm chí xúc phạm ông nội của họ trong một nỗ lực để ngăn chặn hành vi lạm dụng của mình đối với Luffy. Streak bảo vệ này tiếp tục vào cốt truyện hiện tại. Ace đầu tiên can thiệp để bảo vệ Luffy khỏi Smoker ở Nanohana. Sau này, khi ông phát hiện ra rằng Blackbeard có nghĩa là để giết Luffy và giao Ngài cho các Chính phủ Thế giới, Ace ngay lập tức cảnh báo ông rằng ông sẽ không để cho anh ta đặt một ngón tay vào em trai của mình. Mặc dù có sự gần gũi của họ, Luffy thường làm Ace tức giận và thường xuyên khiến ông lo lắng bằng cách làm những việc liều lĩnh - đó là vì điều này Ace mà không nghi ngờ Boa Hancock khi cô thông báo với anh rằng Luffy đã thâm nhập vào Impel Down để cứu cậu.☃☃

Though frequently worried by Luffy's extravagant recklessness, inwardly Ace seemed quite proud of his brother's past exploits; in the anime, he was shown grinning slightly as he listened to Garp, visiting him in prison, discussing Luffy's ruckus-raising on Enies Lobby and Sabaody.[4] Apparently, Ace had been known to frequently share stories about Luffy with the other ranks of the Whitebeard Pirates (including the Shichibukai, Jinbe). He was quite overjoyed when he learned that Luffy had gained his first bounty and wasted no time showing the wanted poster to Whitebeard himself. After Luffy's unceremonious entrance into the fray at Marineford, Marco had no trouble identifying him as the brother Ace was always talking about, even prior to Luffy loudly declaring it for all to hear.[5]

Ace tended to portray a typical good-big-brother behavior, such as asking the Straw Hat crew to keep an eye on his little brother. He also ensured Luffy had a way of meeting up with him by giving him a Vivre Card. They respected each other's choices despite their differences and understood that the other was strong enough to look after himself. Luffy believed that if he grew worried about Ace and rushed to his aid, Ace's ego wouldn't allow it, so he initially left him alone even after discovering that Ace was hurt via the Vivre Card. However, when he learned that Ace had been captured and was due for execution and saw that Ace's Vivre Card had burnt down to a tenth of its original size, Luffy decided take a side trip and save Ace instead of sailing directly from Amazon Lily to the Sabaody Archipelago to reunite with his nakama.

It was revealed at Ace's execution that Ace was actually Gol D. Roger's son, not Monkey D. Dragon's as previously assumed, and that he was taken in by Garp. This makes Ace and Luffy brothers only through adoption, but brothers nonetheless. A flashback shows Luffy and Ace first meeting as young children, which means that Luffy is aware of this fact. It also shows Luffy with his trademark straw hat and scar under the eye, indicating that Ace first met Luffy after Shanks left Luffy's home island. A later flashback shows them officially declaring one another as their brother by drinking sake from each other's cup. In a conversation with Iva, Luffy reveals he is also aware that Ace's father is Gol D. Roger.

Though the Whitebeard Pirates and Luffy had invaded Marineford in order to save him, Ace did not even hesitate to throw his life away to save Luffy; fully aware that he would be burned, Ace leaped in the way to shield his brother from Akainu as the Admiral struck. Ace's only regret was that he would not live to see Luffy achieve his dream, which he believed Luffy undoubtedly would. Ace passed on smiling, while Luffy collapsed into mindless grief over his beloved brother's death.


Sabo is Ace's good friend and "brother" from 10 years ago. They had planned to become pirates by saving money to buy a pirate ship, a joint endeavor that began five years before Luffy followed Ace to the Gray Terminal and to Sabo. Sabo was one of the two people Ace considered a "brother" along with Luffy. They drank sake together to prove they were brothers.When Sabo gave up his happiness to save Ace's and Luffy's lives from his father's wrath, Ace decided to forget Sabo for the moment, thinking that if Sabo would be happy, then he and Luffy should be proud. However, after Sabo was considered dead at the hands of Saint Jalmack, Ace regretted his previous decision, flew into a rage, and attempted to kill in revenge, but was stopped by Dadan, and later cried at the loss of his brother, despite earlier claiming to Luffy that men should not cry. Ace mentioned Sabo before dying as one of the reasons that ever made him want to live in the first place.

Portgas D. Rouge

Rouge was Ace's mother, who carried him in her womb for 20 months in order to protect the innocent child from the clutches of the World Government. Ace was born one year and three months after Roger's death, therefore Rouge was five months pregnant when she resorted to some unknown method (assumed by Marines to be sheer willpower) to postpone birth. Just before passing away, Rouge gave him the name Gol D. Ace.[6] However, Ace, grateful to his mother for her sacrifice, chose to take her name instead.[7]

Gol D. Roger

It has been revealed that Ace's father was the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, contrary to the previous belief that his father was Monkey D. Dragon.

Because Roger died before he was even born, Ace felt that he didn't owe him anything, which is why he preferred the name of his mother, who died protecting him. Strangely, although Ace seemed to dislike his father, flashbacks from Ace's childhood reveals that he brutally beat up anyone who spoke ill of him.

In another flashback, it shows Luffy and Ace meeting as young children, revealing that Luffy is aware of the fact Ace was not his blood-related brother, and that Luffy is aware of the identity of Ace's father. According to Luffy, Ace did not like talking about it.

To this date, Ace was the one of the few pirates shown to speak ill of Gol D. Roger, along with Squad, though many unnamed pirates on Level 6 of Impel Down were known to have grudges against the late Pirate King.

Monkey D. Dragon

Prior to Sengoku making it public to the world, Ace knew that Dragon is Luffy's father; other then that, it is unknown what Ace thought about him and vice-versa. It is also unknown if Dragon knew that Ace was the son of Roger (before this fact was made known to the world by Sengoku), or if he was aware of Ace's adoption into the family. This technically would make Dragon the adoptive father of Ace.

Monkey D. Garp

Vice Admiral Garp adopted Ace as a favor to Roger to give Ace a life free of the prejudice of being born from a family of pirates.

Though he did come to see Garp as family, he did not approve of his violent behaviour towards Luffy. At one point he warned him to stop abusing Luffy going as so far to call him an "old piece of crap". Garp, who'd promised to make fine marines out of the two brothers[8], was furious when he discovered that Ace had gone ahead to become a pirate instead.[9]

Though respectful of his "grandfather", Ace announced that he and Luffy would never have become Marines. He disagreed with Garp and remains grounded on the idea that becoming Marines would not have been possible when both of their fathers were world class criminals. Garp, in return, showed extreme sadness about Ace's execution, and cried about Ace's choice in a life of piracy. Garp was also willing to kill Admiral Akainu for killing Ace.

Curly Dadan

Curly Dadan, a bandit who was blackmailed by Garp, became the foster mother for Ace and Luffy. Whenever Ace would nearly kill villagers for insulting his heritage, Dadan would get angry at the boy for his actions, to which Ace would snidely remark that he regrets that his victims did not die. Dadan also shows weariness at dealing with Ace, and gives the impression that she would refuse if not for Garp holding her gang's crimes over her head. However, when the Nobles of Goa burned the Grey Terminal, Dadan led her bandits into the inferno to find Ace, Luffy and Sabo and when Ace refused to back down from confronting Bluejam, Dadan had the bandits take Luffy to safety while she stayed behind to stand beside Ace. The two really care for each other as Dadan saved Ace from being burned and Ace was willing to steal medicine from town in order to treat Dadan's wounds. When Ace set out to become a pirate, she was sulking when she heard Ace's message that he was grateful to her. Ace seemed to like Dadan, and prior to his death, asked Luffy to tell her goodbye on his behalf and that he misses her. When Garp returns to East Blue after the Whitebeard War, Dadan hits him furiously because he didn't save Ace.

Bạn bè

Shanks Tóc Đỏ

The Yonkou Shanks, was on relatively good terms with Ace, who seemed to greatly respect him primarily for his role in saving his adoptive younger brother, Luffy, from the Lord of the Coast during the incident with Higuma. After setting out to begin his life of piracy, Ace immediately sought out Shanks to meet the man in person and thank him on Luffy's behalf. Shanks showed some concern for Ace upon learning that he was in pursuit of Blackbeard. He personally sought out Whitebeard to vocally disapprove and attempted to persuade Whitebeard to recall Ace. After the announcement of Ace's execution, it was revealed that Shanks personally intercepted Kaidou, another of the Yonkou, as the latter attempted to take advantage of the situation and attack Whitebeard.

Nhóm hải tặc Buggy

During his pursuit of Blackbeard, Ace happened across the Big Top while Buggy and his crew were partying. Attracted by the "very strong and sweet scent" of food, Ace boarded the ship unnoticed and proceeded to help himself - Buggy did not notice his presence until, upon hearing Buggy and Alvida say that they were in pursuit of Luffy but had no clue where he was, Ace offered to give them some helpful information. Ace, being Ace, fell asleep moments later. Though Buggy's crew wanted to capture him, Buggy forbade it, knowing that Whitebeard would not hesitate to take revenge. After Ace woke up, the entire crew apparently immensely enjoyed the rest of his momentary stay (though it seems Buggy continued the party mostly out of fear). When the Buggy Pirates approached Impel Down with the intention of rescuing Buggy, Cabaji exclaimed that their captain could be sentenced to execution just like their buddy Ace. Buggy himself seems to like Ace. After meeting Luffy on Level One, he mentions that Ace, unlike Luffy, happened to be a very swell guy - they were apparently drinking buddies for a while. Buggy also told Luffy that he was very upset when he heard the news of Ace's scheduled execution. Like so many at the time Buggy was shocked to see Ace fall to Admiral Akainu.


Ace and Jinbe were once enemies, as Ace tried to kill Whitebeard, who Jinbe regarded as a hero for protecting Fishman Island. The two fought for five days until they both collapsed from exhaustion. Despite this scuffle, the two eventually became friends who deeply respected each other. During their time in Impel Down, Ace asked Jinbe to take care of Luffy after he died, a wish that Jinbe at first refused, as despite their friendship, Jinbe did not feel like protecting anyone who he considered to be a stranger; this changed when he saw Luffy's personality and when Ace truly did die.[10] Jinbe was more than willing to forfeit his status as Shichibukai to fight for Ace's freedom, and shed tears for Ace's demise.

Kẻ thù

Ace's main enemy was Marshall D. Teach, also known as "Blackbeard", whom he was sent to kill for killing Thatch. However, as Shanks stated, Ace was strong and young but the fact he was appointed as Whitebeard's 2nd commander worried Shanks due to "that trust and reputation" getting in the way. Shanks concluded that now was not the time to pitch the two against each other. This suggests that Ace wasn't ready to face Blackbeard yet.

Ace also fought evenly with Smoker, who even Luffy has yet to beat. The elements of their Logia Devil Fruits canceled each other out, and neither of them were able to gain the upper hand.

Though once enemies with Shichibukai member Jinbe, they are now respected by each other deeply. As with Jinbe, among the many pirate crews allied with Whitebeard appears to have been enemies with Ace in the past (notably Doma), but were willing to disregard it in favor of Whitebeard's summoning. It seemed that some of them had been defeated in battle by Ace, which led to them counting themselves as allies to Whitebeard's crew.

The World Government, after discovering that Ace was the son of Gol D. Roger, was unable to touch him because of Whitebeard; when Blackbeard defeated and turned him in, they seized the chance and made Ace's execution their highest priority. It appeared that Ace shared a similar fate with Nico Robin and Luffy - his sole existence was a sin to the World Government, being the child of the "world's greatest evil".

Admiral Akainu earned Ace's scorn for badmouthing Whitebeard as Ace and Luffy were making their retreat, which provoked Ace to turn back and let slip his chance to escape from Marineford. He attacked Akainu in fury over the insult, but discovered the hard way that his fire was of a heat level inferior to that of Akainu's magma. Akainu was able to burn and, by doing so, eventually kill Ace.

Abilities and Powers

As commander of the 2nd division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace had authority over the lower-ranking subordinates. In addition, as one of the top commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates, he was one of the strongest and most highly-regarded pirates on board under Whitebeard himself.

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Ace shows his immense strength since he was still a child.

Khả năng vật lý

Aside from the powers granted by the Devil Fruit he consumed, Ace also possessed immense physical strength. Signs of his great physical potential were already evident at his early childhood, where even as a young child, he was able to beat some local thugs who spoke ill of his father "half to death", and was also shown sitting on top of a huge animal (possibly a bull) he killed with his staff, during his first meeting with Luffy. Also later the same day he was shown to easily break a giant tree with ease. Ace was already very strong when he left his hometown, 3 years before Luffy did the same. Luffy comments on how he never beat Ace in a single fight, despite Luffy already having the power of the Gomu Gomu no Mi (Ace did not consume the Mera Mera no Mi until after he left - Luffy was surprised by Ace's new power when Ace stopped Smoker from capturing him in Nanohana). Ace was trained by Garp, who'd hoped to turn him into a fine Marine, and possibly Dadan, the two of whom were responsible for training Luffy to the level of power he held before becoming a pirate. Ace demonstrated his strength during his fight with Blackbeard - he was able to take Blackbeard's punches, which were so powerful that the first made Ace cough up blood and the second nearly broke his neck, and retaliate. Van Augur noted that, as expected of the Whitebeard Pirates 2nd division commander, Ace's basic combat skills were quite fearsome even without his Devil Fruit powers.

Ace also held a fearsome reputation. It was revealed that Ace received an invitation to join the Shichibukai while he was still captain of the Spade Pirates, though he refused the offer. After he joined the Whitebeard Pirates, a civilian was seen commenting on how Ace's strength was supposedly "outta this world". The World Government granted Blackbeard the position of Shichibukai after he successfully defeated and captured Ace. He was also a capable navigator, as he was seen wearing a Log Pose on his left wrist.

He fought equally with Jinbe in the past. They nearly killed each other in a fight that lasted for five days - Ace then survived a battle with Whitebeard that took place immediately after.

He was one of the few people to be able to take a "baptizing" in boiling water in Impel Down without flinching, which is considered an impressive feat.

Trái Ác Quỷ

Bản mẫu:See

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Ace using his Mera Mera no Mi ability.

Ace ate the Devil Fruit Mera Mera no Mi, a Logia or elemental type fruit, giving him pyrokinetic abilities and his reputation as "Fire Fist Ace". Ace also displayed his immense power by destroying a handful of Baroque Works ships with ease.[11] His main style is to launch columns of fire by punching, with his signature "Fire Fist".

For some reason, Ace did not seem to mind his inability to swim. He traversed the seas in a one-man boat that seems to have been specifically designed for him, propelling it with flames from his feet.

He skillfully sent his boat underwater as he leapt over the Billions fleet, timing it precisely so that it emerged underneath him just before he hit the water on the other side. Also, when he turned up on Drum Island, no snow fell at all on the island for an entire day.


Bản mẫu:See While not portrayed in the main storyline, it was revealed in a flashback that Ace possesses Haōshoku Haki, which at the time he had no conscious control over. Much as Luffy used his Haki to knock out a crowd of Kuja warriors, Ace used his Haki to knock out the attacking members of Bluejam's pirate crew.[12] Ace was first shown to possess it when during the Battle in Marineford, he witnessed Luffy unknowingly unleash his haki and remarked "You too?" It has not been revealed if he managed to hone this skill in adulthood, as he is never seen using it, nor any other form of Haki for that matter.

Vũ khí

Ace carries around a knife but is never seen using it. However, in flashbacks of attempts to assassinate Whitebeard, Ace was shown using various weapons, including an axe and a knife. As a child he used a long bo staff made from pipe as a weapon.

Lịch Sử

Growing Up with Luffy

"Haki" là một sức mạnh ngủ im tồn tại ở trong mỗi sinh vật ... "Sự hiện diện", "Tinh thần chiến đấu" và " Sự đe dọa" ... Nó cũng tương tự như các giác quan bình thường của con người. Tuy nhiên, hầu hết mọi người đều không biết chứ chưa nói đến việc sử dụng nó. "Không được do dự". Đó chính là sức mạnh thực sự !

- Silvers Rayleigh giải thích ý nghĩa của Haki cho Luffy khi bắt đầu huấn luyện cậu.

Bound as Brothers

Ace's father, the Pirate King Gol D. Roger, was executed while Ace's mother, Portgas D. Rouge, was still pregnant with Ace. She carried him for a full twenty months to protect him from the World Government as they sought to erase every last trace of Roger's blood. A year and 3 months after the execution, Ace was born in Baterilla in the South Blue. His mother only lived long enough to name him. Vice-Admiral Monkey D. Garp adopted Ace in secret as a favor to Roger, and Ace was moved to Fuusha Village in the East Blue.

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Ace meets Luffy for the first time.

Ace was left in the care of Garp's friend Curly Dadan. Ace would travel around town causing trouble and beating people up to those who spoke ill about his father, which annoyed Dadan. At some point Ace befriended Sabo who was the same age as Ace at the time. Later, when Garp got fed up with Luffy due to the influence of Shanks on the boy, he left his grandson in Dadan's care as well. Upon first meeting Luffy, Ace merely spat at him and gave him a sinister glare, which the agitated Luffy returned.

After having a meal, Ace went out of the house and Luffy decided to follow him. Luffy said that he is not angry that Ace spat at him (since it is not something to get worked out about) and also wanted to be friends. Ace responds by knocking a tree down at Luffy. Ace then crossed a bridge and Luffy followed. Ace charged at Luffy and knocked him off the bridge. He returned to Dadan's house without Luffy and without any concern for him. Luffy returned a week later. When Ace goes out, Luffy followed after him wanting to start a friendship only to get shunned by Ace.

Ace went to the Gray Terminal and meets up with a friend named Sabo. Ace and Sabo had been collecting money for a pirate ship. Ace handed over his share and Sabo put it in a secret spot. Luffy then showed up and both Ace and Sabo tied Luffy to a tree. Ace said that they should kill Luffy to keep their secret safe and Sabo agreed. However, both Ace and Sabo had a hard time deciding who should complete the task since both of them never killed anyone before. They heard someone coming so they took Luffy and hid. Ace then realized that the person he stole money from was Porchemy of the Bluejam Pirates. Ace and Sabo notice Luffy missing and then see Luffy get caught by Porchemy. Both Ace and Sabo watched as Luffy was taken away.

Fearing that Luffy might tell Porchemy, Ace and Sabo collect all of their money and treasure and move them to another location. They managed to move all the money and treasure to a new hiding place by sundown. Sabo, who went to check on the old hiding place, informed Ace that Luffy has not told Porchemy anything much to Ace's surprise. Ace and Sabo then came to Luffy's rescue and defeated Porchemy. Ace then learns from Luffy that Luffy has no parents with him and the reason he follows Ace is because he doesn't want to be alone. After that, Luffy joined Ace and Sabo and together, they start making a name for themselves.

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Ace, Luffy and Sabo become "brothers".

Ace, Sabo, and Luffy sparred with each other, hunt gators, and beat up thugs. In the Cental Town of the Goa Kingdom, the trio did a dine-and-dash and while running, they heard a man calling Sabo's name. Back in the forest, Sabo revealed that he was born in a noble family and the man calling him was his father.

Regardless, Ace and Luffy still considered Sabo as their friend. After the trio made a declaration of what they want to accomplish in the future, they shared a drink of alcohol and became brothers. They continue having adventures, hunting animals, and at one point had a party with Dadan, Wood Slap, and Makino, and also get a beating by Garp whenever he visits.

One day, the trio found themselves confronted by Sabo's father and the Bluejam Pirates. To spare Ace and Luffy, Sabo willingly go with his father and Ace cried out to Sabo as Sabo walked away in tears.

Ace and Luffy were then in the custody of the Bluejam Pirates. Ace and Luffy joined the Bluejam Pirates at the request of the captain and then carry cargo to marked locations in the Gray Terminal with the other pirates. Later, Bluejam revealed to Ace and Luffy that the cargo they had carried was oil and gunpowder and that the Gray Terminal will by engulfed with flames. Ace and Luffy reacted in outrage and were quickly apprehended by the pirates. Bluejam then informed them that they can no longer be left alive and asked them the location of their hoard of treasure. Later that night, the flames started and Ace and Luffy managed to cut themselves loose after they were tied up. Ace and Luffy then run for their lives, but come across Bluejam and his crew, who demand to know where Ace and Sabo hid their loot. Ace briefly demonstrates Haki when Bluejam tells him that Sabo was just using him. Dadan comes to the rescue and tries to get Ace and Luffy to safety. Ace refuses to run away from the fight and Dadan stays with him while Luffy and the rest of the bandits escape.

After the events of the the fire but before Sabo's fall at the hands of the Tenryuubito, Ace came back with an injured Dadan on his back. Luffy greets him crying and Ace is annoyed that Luffy really thought he was dead and punches him in the head telling him not to 'kill people'. He then explains how he and Dadan managed to defeat Bluejam and luckily escape to the "Middle forest" and hide themselves in the riverbank he carries on to tell them that he stole some medical supplies from town and desperately stabilized Dadan's life.

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Ace cries for Sabo's loss.

A few hours later he explains to Dadan why he didn't run back when they thought Bluejam, he told her how sometimes blood rushes into his head and he gets worried, that if he runs away then he'll lose something big and goes on to tell her at that time Luffy was behind him. Later on Dogura tells them about what happened to Sabo and an outraged Ace jumps on him stating that he would not forgive him even if it was a joke. Luffy and Ace then realise that Sabo was never happy when he left them and while Luffy breaks out in tears, Ace goes out to beat up whoever killed him. Dadan stops him and yells at him telling him that Sabo's murderer was the world, the country they lived in. To calm him down the bandits tied Ace to a tree while Luffy spent the whole night crying. The next morning a letter came that was sent by Sabo before he left to become a pirate, explaining that by the time they read it he would already be out at sea, that he hoped they would meet again and that he wished for Ace to take care of their younger brother. As Ace reads the last of the letter he breaks out in tears.

Some time later, Ace finds Luffy lying face down mourning Sabo's death. When Luffy tells Ace not to die like Sabo, Ace makes a promise that he'll never die no matter what. Ace then reminds Luffy that they made a vow that they'll become more free than anyone. The two then continue their training and get stronger. Ace asks Makino to teach him how to greet someone properly because Ace plans on thanking Shanks. Ace and Luffy continue with their hunting and fighting until the time has come for Ace to set sail.

The Path to Piracy

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Ace sets out from Corvo Mountain.

At the age of 17, Ace set out from Corvo Mountain and began his life as a pirate,[13] becoming captain of the Spade Pirates a year later - as the Spade Pirates' Jolly Roger shows flames, Ace likely consumed the Mera Mera no Mi sometime during this year.

As his fame rose, he was invited to join the Shichibukai,[14] though he declined. He arranged a meeting with Shanks, as he had heard much from Luffy about him and wanted to see him in person.

As he searched the seas for Whitebeard, he ran into Jinbe, who was aware of Ace's strength and decided to fight him in order to keep him from challenging Whitebeard, the man he owed debt to for protecting his home of Fishman Island. After five days of battle, both collapsed from exhaustion, giving the fight no victor.[14]


Whitebeard adopts Ace as a 'son'.

Whitebeard, who'd heard that Ace intended to take his head, suddenly arrived with his crew and the Moby Dick just after the battle between Jinbe and Ace. Whitebeard told his crew that he alone would be enough, and proceeded to attack Ace's crew. After a fierce battle, Ace got to his feet and cut off Whitebeard from his crew with a wall of flames. Though his battered crew protested, he commanded them to run while he stalled Whitebeard (prompting Whitebeard to call him a cheeky little brat). On the brink of death, Ace was offered by Whitebeard to join his crew, becoming one of his "sons". Ace fiercely refused, but was knocked out and dragged onto Whitebeard's ship nonetheless. Ace's crew later came to retrieve him, though they were beaten up by his captors and abducted onto the ship with their captain.[14]

When Ace came to, he was already acknowledged as one of Whitebeard's crew. To make sure that his crewmates stayed alive, Ace remained on board of Whitebeard's ship; however, on many occasions (counted to be at least a hundred), he attempted to murder the old man, though each time was repelled with little effort from Whitebeard. Eventually he gave in, tempted by Marco's description of the crew's father-son relationship with Whitebeard, and accepted Whitebeard's mark on his back.

After defeating Doma and forcing him to surrender, he was promoted to the position of 2nd division commander.[14] One of his subordinates, Marshall D. Teach, and he were on relatively good terms. One day, Ace decided to reveal his lineage to Whitebeard, who merely laughed it off, saying that his personality was nothing like that of Roger. (According to Sengoku, Whitebeard already knew.) When Ace asked if Whitebeard would kick him out due to him and Roger being enemies in the past, Whitebeard simply stated that his past doesn't matter, as everyone is a "child of the sea".

Then one day, Teach killed his crewmate Thatch in order to obtain the Yami Yami no Mi Devil Fruit, which he'd had his sights on, and fled. Since Ace was his commander and the Whitebeard pirates live by a code which means they must avenge a fallen comrade, Ace would have been sent after the murderer. Whitebeard, however, felt uneasy about the situation and protested, acknowledging that Teach may have become too much for the boy to handle with his new powers. Despite this, Ace demanded that he go after Teach, saying that Thatch couldn't rest in peace if his murderer wasn't brought to justice, and that Teach could not get away with dishonoring his "father". Admiring Ace's dedication to both his captain and his duty, Whitebeard allowed his "son" to go, later claiming that it was he who told Ace to leave for the sake of Ace's honor. With this, Ace began his trek to find Blackbeard and finish him off.

Baroque Works Saga

Reunion with Luffy

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Ace meets up with Luffy and the crew.

Ace is first seen in the present storyline on Drum Island, where he leaves a message for Luffy to meet him in 10 days in the city of Nanohana, Arabasta.[15] There he is then formally introduced; he is seen sleeping in the Spice Bean restaurant (giving the impression to everyone present that he had dropped dead).[16] As he finishes his meal, he is spotted by Smoker, who attempts to arrest him. However, shortly before he and Smoker begin to fight, both men are sent flying into the wall behind them by Luffy's attack as the latter launches himself into the restaurant.

After picking himself up, he spots Luffy eating, only to be knocked down by Smoker, who then attempts to arrest Luffy. After Luffy dashes out of the restaurant with Smoker in hot pursuit, Ace catches up with Luffy in time to save him from being arrested. His interference allows Luffy to escape while he deals with Smoker himself.

After throwing the Marines off his trail, Ace catches up with Luffy on the Going Merry to offer him a chance to join Whitebeard (which Luffy refuses).[17] Ace leaves them a piece of paper, later identified as a Vivre Card, which apparently will allow the two to meet up again.

Skypiea Saga

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Ace on Buggy's ship.

Ace later appears during the Jaya arc, where he hopped on Buggy the Clown's ship for food and promised to show him the way to Luffy.[18]

Ace was also later given a mini-arc in the chapter titles of the manga where, after parting ways with Buggy's crew, he infiltrates a Marine base to deliver a letter to the parents of a milk maiden who saved his life.

CP9 Saga

The Banaro Incident

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The powers of Ace and Blackbeard clash.

Despite all the efforts from Shanks to convince Whitebeard to recall Ace, Ace finally intercepts Blackbeard on Banaro Island shortly after the Blackbeard Pirates ransack a town there (three days before the Straw Hats' new bounties are released following the Enies Lobby incident), and engages him in a fierce battle that leaves much of the island in ruins.[19]

Between his inhuman raw strength and his ability to disable Ace's Logia intangibility, Blackbeard triumphs and presumably turns the defeated Ace over to the government. The government considers this such a great achievement that they proceed to make Blackbeard a Shichibukai. Ace is sent to the most notorious prison in the One Piece World: Impel Down.[20]

Whitebeard War Saga

Imprisonment at Impel Down

Although he did not at first find out precisely what happened to Ace, Luffy discovered part of the truth in another way. After learning about Vivre Cards from pirate Lola the Proposer, he realized that the piece of paper he received from Ace was in fact one such Vivre Card. But, as Luffy took it out, he saw slowly it burning away - a sign that Ace's life-force was fading. Unaware of the urgency of Ace's situation, he assumed that he could deal with it himself, and that he would not want any help from Luffy.

It was revealed that Ace was sentenced to a public execution in the plaza of Marineford, the home town of Marine Headquarters.[21] The execution is scheduled to take place a week after Luffy's triumph over the Snake Sisters on the island of Amazon Lily.[22]

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Ace in his holding cell in Impel Down.

He is next seen, with chains (presumably made of Seastone) on his feet and arms, in his holding cell in Impel Down. There he is visited by Garp, who notes that Ace is in terrible shape asks if he is still alive. Ace asks Garp to kill him, but much to his grief is told that even with his death, Whitebeard won't stop his advances. Garp states that they had angered the "Ruler of the Seas".

He recalls that he'd wished Ace and Luffy would become great Marine officers instead of doing the exact opposite and becoming terrible criminals. Ace replies that, with the blood of global-scale criminals running through their veins, becoming Marines would have been impossible for the two of them.

He goes on to say that he took the name Portgas from his mother, to whom he owes a great debt, but he does not care one bit for the half of his blood that came from his father - his only father is Whitebeard.

Ace is later seen talking with the Shichibukai Jinbe, who happens to share the same cell with him. Jinbe explains that he owes a great deal to Whitebeard, because in the past, his home, Fishman Island, came under continuous attacks by pirates and marines alike. Some fishmen were even kidnapped and sold as slaves because of this. But when Whitebeard announced the island as his territory, the attacks stopped from both sides. Thus, Jinbe wishes to stop the war for fear of Whitebeard's safety. However, they are interrupted by Crocodile, who apparently was placed in a cell opposite theirs. He chuckles that many "Silver Medalist" pirates have a grudge against Whitebeard and the late Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, after being defeated by them, and wish to kill Whitebeard or see him killed.[23] Boa Hancock later visits him in his cell and (while causing a scene) cryptically informs Ace that Luffy is in Impel Down trying to save him, much to Ace's dismay.[24] Ace is later seen muttering for Luffy to stay away. During Luffy's fight with Magellan, Ace shakes his chains to draw the attention of the guards outside his cell and demands to know what is going on upstairs. They blankly tell him that nothing is happening.[25]

In a flash back in Chapter 590 Ace tell Jinbe (while in Impel Down) that when he met the Straw Hats, that he was no longer worried about his brother because he had Nakama he could rely on now.

It is revealed that Ace is actually on Level 6, Eternal Hell. In the manga, Level 6 is called Infinite Hell. Jinbe mentions that Hancock might have been lying about Luffy, but Ace angrily denies that she came all that way just to lie to him, then apologizes. He explains that Luffy has always done crazy things to make him worry, and what's happening right now is exactly the sort of thing Luffy would do.

At some point during this time, Ace asks Jinbe to look after his brother if Ace should die. Jinbe refuses, claiming he has no loyalty to people that don't interest him. Though he would later protect Luffy anyway after being impressed by his character.

When the time for Ace's execution arrives, the jailers begin to make preparations for his transfer. He is shown to be with Magellan and Domino and a few other jailers. Magellan takes Ace to Level 1 with the lift before Ace, hearing a report that Luffy is on Level 6 and about to be assaulted with sleeping gas, attempts to escape back to the lift. Magellan immediately recaptures him and tells him to stop resisting since Luffy, as a pirate, was doomed the minute he stepped into Impel Down. Ace reveals that he'd been hoping that Hancock was lying and silently asks Luffy why he came.

Ace is seen being handed over to the Marines and is evidently en route to Marineford, since the Vivre Card no longer points directly up from Level 6. As six hours approach to Ace's execution.[26] Ace is seen on the deck of the Marine battleship escorting him to Marineford, chained to a chair and given one last chance to look at the sky before his execution. The battleships arrive before the Gates of Justice, requesting permission to enter and advance to their ultimate destination.[27]

Execution at Marineford

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Ace is led to his execution.

As Ace is led to the execution platform, he remembers a childhood promise that he made with Luffy: that they would both go out to sea and live their lives without regrets. Afterwards, Fleet Admiral Sengoku reveals that Ace's mother was Portgas D. Rouge and that his father was Gol D. Roger. As Sengoku continues, he declares that it was Whitebeard's intention to make him the Pirate King, despite Ace's desires to give this title to Whitebeard. Just after this revelation, a massive armada of pirate crews from the New World allied with Whitebeard appear, much to the surprise of the Marines. The Whitebeard Pirates's fleet, including the Moby Dick, suddenly rises up from under the water in the middle of the bay, revealing that the ships were coated and had approached Marineford from beneath the sea. Whitebeard himself appears to greet Sengoku and ask Ace to bear with them as they prepare for battle.[28]

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Ace at Marineford, 3 hours before his execution.

His past with the giant Oars Jr., an ally of the Whitebeard Pirates, is revealed, and Ace is deeply saddened when Oars Jr. is finally brought down by Gekko Moriah, his outstretched hand a few yards from Ace.[29]

As the battle continues, Garp comes to sit near Ace and admits that, while he will not interfere with the execution, he can't help his feelings in this matter as he considers Ace family and tearfully asks why Ace didn't lead the life that Garp wanted him to. At that moment, however, there's a huge commotion that has Ace looking up to the sky, from which he sees a ship falling down.[30]

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Sengoku reveals the name of Ace's father.

When the ship falls into the sea, Luffy climbs out and Ace spots him. As Luffy fights past several Marines and Gekko Moriah in an effort to reach Ace, the latter can only watch helplessly. He finally snaps, demanding Luffy that he go home and that he shouldn't have come to save him. Ace, in his desperation to keep from dragging Luffy down with him, even attempts to drive him away by shouting that it's humiliating to have a "weakling" like Luffy coming to his rescue, and that he would never forgive him for this. Luffy responds by yelling that he is Ace's younger brother and, after going into Gear Third to defeat a Marine giant, states that he will save Ace even if it kills him.

Ace contemplates Luffy's words, along with those of his nakama that they won't let anyone who hurt Ace live and their determination to save him. Ace comes to an important decision. He will take whatever fate the future brings: If he sees a hand reach out to him, he'll grab it, but if the white blade of justice falls on his head first he will accept it. He won't struggle anymore because it would just be disrespectful to everyone if he did.

The fight continues and Ace, incapacitated, can do nothing but stare horrified as Whitebeard is stabbed by Squardo. Later, when Marineford's walls raised up to prevent the pirates from further penetrating the plaza, Luffy devises a plan to bypass the siege walls with the help of Jinbe's water-launching abilities. Ace is horrified as he sees Luffy standing face-to-face with the three Admirals, believing that he does not stand a chance at taking down all three of them at the same time.

Sengoku orders Ace to be executed; as Ace braces himself, he is saved by Crocodile, who knocks the two guards away, much to everyone's shock and surprise. He later watches as Whitebeard and Oars Jr. successfully enact their plan, which brings almost all of the Whitebeard Pirates into the plaza, not far from the execution platform. He is horrified when Oars Jr. is brought down for a second time by cannon fire. He is later seen noticing that Garp has joined in the battle after Garp punches Marco while the latter is in his Phoenix form while attempting to rescue Ace.

Ace flashes back to his past when some thugs whom he knew insulted Gol D. Roger. Ace beat them until they were half dead because of what they had said. He went on to remember being scolded for his actions and continuing to ask about Roger, only to hear many horrible things about his father. Ace is then seen sitting on a shore, along with Garp, asking if he should really have been born. Garp's response is that he could only find out by living.

Back in the present, Ace, seeing how his comrades, little brother, and father are risking their lives to save him. In tears, he finally realizes that he desperately wants to live.

The battle takes a turn for the worse; Marco, caught by kairoseki handcuffs, is shot through the chest by Kizaru; Jozu is frozen and his right arm shattered by Aokiji; and Whitebeard suffers several serious wounds, including a molten punch to the chest by Akainu. Ace stares in horror as Whitebeard states that he cannot die until he secures a future for his sons. Sengoku then orders the execution of Ace once again and Ace closes his eyes in resignation as the executioners prepare to decapitate him. At the last moment, Luffy releases a huge burst of Haōshoku Haki; the executioners, as well as a number of pirates and marines, lose consciousness. Ace stares in disbelief at his little brother, as he had no idea that Luffy possessed such a powerful kind of Haki.

Freedom and Death

As Luffy approaches the scaffold, Garp blocks his path. Luffy is at first reluctant to engage his grandfather, but when it becomes clear that Garp will not move, he activates Gear Second. Just as he throws a punch at Luffy, Garp suddenly recalls the images of Luffy and Ace as young children, and the sight of Ace tearfully realizing his desire to live. Garp's hesitation allows Luffy to counterpunch, sending him flying away from the execution platform and crashing into the ground. Just as Luffy is about to unlock Ace's handcuffs, Kizaru destroys the key with a long-distance laser - meanwhile Sengoku has activated his Devil Fruit ability and is determined to carry out Ace's execution himself with a massive punch.

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Ace is freed.

Suddenly, Mr. 3, disguised as one of the executioners, regains consciousness. He then forms a huge Candle Wall while Luffy goes into Gear Third and to take Sengoku's punch with his Giant Fuusen. The force of the blow causes the execution platform to collapse. With the help of Mr. 3, who makes a duplicate key out of wax, Luffy frees Ace in mid-air moments before the other Marines fire at the platform, causing it to explode.

Now able to use his Mera Mera no Mi powers, Ace escapes the explosions with Luffy and Mr. 3 in tow by wrapping his flames into a tunnel, all the meanwhile scolding Luffy for never listening to anything he ever says, for always being so reckless and inconsiderate to his advice, and for always overdoing things. His newly-gained freedom causes a considerable morale boost amongst the survivors of the assembled pirate army.

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Akainu deals the fatal blow.

Witnessing the two brothers' coordination as they fight off the Marines side-by-side, Vista remarks that Ace and Luffy have perfect teamwork. Ace comments that Luffy has gotten stronger, to which Luffy replies that a day will come when he surpasses Ace. Ace tells Luffy to let him cover for him until that day, and leaps forward to block Admiral Aokiji's Pheasant Peck attack. He and Luffy are shocked when Whitebeard announces that he is staying behind as he yells his Captain's Final Order.

Ace seems to accept the fact that Whitebeard is determined to stay behind; Whitebeard asks Ace if he was a good father, and laughs heartily when Ace answers "of course". He and Luffy begin to escape with the rest of the Whitebeard pirates, but when Admiral Akainu provokes him by insulting Whitebeard, calling him a failure, Ace stops and turns back. He clashes with Akainu in fury, but Ace's fire is outmatched by Akainu's magma, so much so that his arm is badly burned.

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Ace passes on.

Akainu attempts to strike down the defenseless Luffy, but Ace leaps in between them and takes the hit. The remaining fragment of the Vivre Card that he gave to Luffy rapidly disintegrates into ash as everyone looks on in shock. While in Luffy's arms, Ace apologized to Luffy for making his own rescue a failure. Knowing that his innards had been charred to cinders and that he was beyond saving, Ace thanked his family and friends for loving him with the last of his breath. He dies smiling, satisfied with his life.[31]


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Ace and Whitebeard's grave.

Later, when the Red Haired Pirates appeared, Shanks managed to organize a ceasefire and asked that the bodies of both Whitebeard and Ace be handed over to the Pirates so that they could depart from the location peacefully, a request which Fleet Admiral Sengoku allowed, despite Vice Admiral Doberman's desire of putting their heads for viewing as a symbol of the Marines' victory.

Ace, along with Whitebeard were buried on a unknown island somewhere on the second half of the Grand Line. His trademark hat, necklace, and knife were made into a grave marker, which was placed beside Whitebeard's and covered with flowers and swords left behind by his fellow crew-mates, with the members themselves standing on either side of the island, paying their last respects.[32]

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Filler Battles

  • Portgas D. Ace and Thatch vs. Decalvan Brothers (offscreen)
  • Portgas D. Ace and Monkey D. Luffy vs. Billions (Nanohana)
  • Portgas D. Ace vs. Scorpion
  • Portgas D. Ace vs. Impel Down guards (Impel Down)

Anime and Manga Differences

When Ace first meets Luffy's crew, he then tosses them a piece of paper and leaves. However, in the anime, his time with the Straw Hats was extended and he journeys with them for a while.

In the manga, it is unknown if Ace can light things on fire from a distance without spouting flames that make direct contact. However, in the anime, he is shown lighting a cigarette for Sanji simply by pointing his finger.

During his meeting with Shanks in the anime, Ace stated that he would become the Pirate King. At no point in the manga did Ace shown this ambition, but rather the ambition to make Whitebeard the Pirate King. Also in the anime, Ace stated that he wanted to show the world his power by taking Whitebeard's head. Ace's reason for going after Whitebeard's head was never explained in the manga.

In the anime, when Ace was struck through by Akainu, his beaded necklace broke apart and fell all over the ground, and one bead ended up rolling to Whitebeard's foot, who picked it up tearfully; in the manga, the necklace remained intact. This was most likely done to add suspense and drama. Ace also was covered in less blood than in the manga.


Ace has been a choice character in many forms of merchandise. He has been featured in the series of models Portrait of Pirates and in the One Piece Full Color R Gashapon series.

Ace has also featured on several keychains/cellphone straps sets, including the One Piece Desert Kingdom Mascot Keychain/Cellphone Strap collection, alongside his brother Luffy.

Translation and Dub Issues

Ace's manji is very similar to a swastika. To avoid confusion between the two symbols and avoid slander for being a Nazi, this was changed to crossbones in the shape of a "cross" in the original Japanese anime and later in the manga also. This change was also done in the Shonen Jump serialization of the English manga, but was left unedited in the actual volumes. Because of the increase in the number of anime and manga being adapted for sale outside of Japan, this has become a common occurrence amongst mangaka and publishers alike to avoid the manji symbol.

Ace's back tattoo is left intact in the English dub, despite 4Kids previous edits to crosses. At the same time Ace also promotes his tattoo to Luffy, something which is truly considered odd by 4Kids standards. In the 4Kids version of the anime, Ace's shoulder tattoo signifying his name is edited out, as he is referred to there as "Portgaz D. Trace", though in the edited for TV FUNimation dub it is retained, they reverted his name to the proper "Portgas D. Ace" for the DVD Dub. He appears in One Piece Grand Adventure, once again without the tattoo on his arm.


  • Had Ace been a girl, she would have been named "Anne". Incidentally "Anne" was the name of the girl who Luffy helped from Romance Dawn V.2. Anne is also the first name of real world pirate Anne Bonney.
  • Ace is biologically 21 while his chronological age is 20. This is possible due to his mother holding him in her womb for eleven months past his due date, meaning he spent a total of twenty months inside her womb, instead of the usual nine.
  • Ace has been successively adopted by his father's two main enemies, Monkey D. Garp and Edward Newgate. Though ironically both whom Roger seemed to deeply respect as well.
  • Ace, being captain of the Spade Pirates, is a pun on the "Ace of Spades".
  • Both Whitebeard and Blackbeard, who managed to beat Ace in different times, offered him to join their crew and in both cases Ace declined.
  • Ace is the first major character, as well as a carrier of the Will of the D., to die outside of a flashback.
  • Though not considered canon, a scene of Ace ditching Buggy can be seen at the end of Ace's ending for the game One Piece: Grand Battle 3. After entering a bar and feasting on food, Ace (currently asleep) wakes up and realizes he has forgotten something and runs out of the bar - leaving Buggy with the Bsymbol380,000 bill.
  • Ace's surname may be a reference to the real life pirate Bartholomew Portugues. However, this is unconfirmed by Oda.
  • In the 4th Japanese Fan Polls, Ace ranked as the fifth most popular character in One Piece making him the most popular of the Whitebeard Pirates and the second most popular D. carrier, Luffy being the first. Also Ace was elected as the most popular "non-Strawhat" character in the series.
  • Ace shares the same birthday with series creator Eiichiro Oda (January 1).
  • On the cover of Chapter 596, Ace's tattoo is written as "ACE" instead of the original "ASCE". This suggests that the S was a tribute to Sabo, as the cover is a "what if" image of Ace, Luffy and Sabo together as adults.

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  1. 1,0 1,1 SBS One Piece Manga - SBS Volume 48 - Fan Question: How tall is Ace and what is his birthday?
  2. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 18 Chapter 157, Ace chỉ hình săm như một niềm tự hào và niềm vui.
  3. One Piece Anime - Episode 91, In his first appearance, Ace wears a black version of his trademark orange smiley hat.
  4. One Piece Anime - Episode 422, Ace smiles slightly when Garp mentions Luffy's reckless actions on Enies Lobby and Sabaody.
  5. One Piece Manga - Vol. 57 Chapter 557, Marco identifies Luffy as the brother Ace was always talking about.
  6. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 56 Chapter 551 and Episode 460, Rouge names Ace "Gol D. Ace" just after his birth.
  7. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 54 Chapter 525 and Episode 422, Ace explains why he takes his mother's name, Portgas, over Gol.
  8. One Piece Manga - Vol. 57 Chapter 556, Garp vows to make fine Marines out of Luffy and Ace.
  9. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 57 Chapter 552 and Episode 461, Garp, reading a newspaper, is enraged to discover that Ace became a pirate.
  10. One Piece Manga - Vol. 59 Chapter 577, Ace asks Jinbe to protect Luffy in case he ends up dying.
  11. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 18 Chapter 159 and Episode 95, Ace destroys the Billions fleet.
  12. One Piece Manga - Vol. 60 Chapter 587, Ace knocks out the Bluejam Pirates members with Haki.
  13. One Piece Manga - Vol. 60 Chapter 589, Ace leaves Goa Kingdom to become a pirate.
  14. 14,0 14,1 14,2 14,3 One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 57 Chapter 552 and Episode 461, Ace's past with the Spade Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates is revealed.
  15. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 17 Chapter 154 and Episode 91, Ace's first appearance.
  16. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 18 Chapter 157 and Episode 94, Ace in Nanohana.
  17. Note:Originally in the manga, Ace briefly meets the Straw Hats in Nanohana, gives Luffy a slip of paper then sails off. However due to his popularity with the fans, his part was expanded a bit in the anime series, and he travels with the Straw Hats to Yuba before parting ways.
  18. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 25 Chapter 233 and Episode 145, Ace meets Buggy.
  19. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 45-46 Chapters 440-441 and Episode 325, Ace Vs Blackbeard.
  20. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 50 Chapter 486 and Episode 378, Ace is imprisoned in Impel Down.
  21. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 51 Chapter 501 and Episode 395, Ace's sentence announced.
  22. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 53 Chapter 516 and Episode 410, Ace's execution date and place revealed.
  23. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 54 Chapter 529 and Episode 430, Ace and Jinbe's conversation is interrupted by Crocodile who tells them that many like himself have a grudge against Whitebeard.
  24. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 54 Chapter 531 and Episode 432, Hancock reveals to Ace that Luffy is in Impel Down attempting to rescue him.
  25. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 55 Chapter 535 and Episode 436, Ace is shown during Luffy and Magellan's fight.
  26. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 55 Chapter 539 and Episode 441, Domino says that Ace's transfer to the Marines is to be at 9 A.M. and Ace's execution is scheduled to be at 3 P.M.
  27. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 56 Chapter 542 and Episode 443, Ace is escorted to Marineford.
  28. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 56 Chapter 551 and Episode 461, Whitebeard appears to rescue Ace from execution.
  29. One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 57 Chapter 555 and Episode 464, Oars Jr's past friendship with Ace is shown as he sacrifices himself in an attempt to rescue Ace.
  30. One Piece Manga - Vol. 57 Chapter 556, Garp acknowledges that Ace is family and Ace notices his brother's arrival.
  31. One Piece Manga - Vol. 59 Chapter 574, Ace dies in Luffy's arms after thanking him and his comrades for loving him. Later, he is seen surrounded by marines, his body covered by a sheet.
  32. One Piece Manga - Vol. 60 Chapter 590, Portgas D. Ace is finally buried, alongside Edward Newgate on an island in the New World by the Red-Hair and Whitebeard Pirates.